सोमवार, 19 फ़रवरी 2024



Hernia disease is a very common condition, affects men, women and children of all ages. In most cases hernia surgery is required for achieving cure. Some of common hernia types are- inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia, hiatus hernia, hernia developing after some operation named incisional hernia etc..

What is hernia - Our stomach (Abdomen) keeps all the intestines in a closed space as air is being kept in a inflated balloon. If at some place portion of its wall weakened, contents mainly intestines comes out with its wall on using force eg on coughing, this outpouching is known as hernia. 

Hernia meaning appearance of some swelling on using force. In long standing cases swelling or outpouching is present all the time. This can be pushed inside by manipulation.

Hernia symptoms in men and women are mainly presence of swelling which is associated with dragging pain. Sometimes this swelling doesn't go inside itself then hernia operation is done in emergency to save the patient. On noticing symptoms of hernia we should not wait and should take early medical opinion for hernia repair which is definitive hernia treatment. Sometimes patients only presents with hernia pain, they did not appreciate the swelling. Hernia mesh is used during surgery to treat hernia and to strengthen muscles.

Hernia causes are - It may present since birth, it may be due to weakness of our abdomen muscles, or may be due to constant cough, obesity, due to infection of stiches of any previous surgery, constipation, smoking, family history. 

Hernia belt for men and women is not advised in healthy individuals. It may be given to people who cant tolerate operation. it may cause more harm than good in most healthy persons. it cannot be given in children. 

Hernia though is a very simple condition but it may become fatal and can be a cause of death if not treated properly on time. Life saving operation has to be performed if swelling doesn't go inside itself and on using soft pressure.

I have discussed above the following- 

हर्निया का चित्र दिखाइए

हर्निया रोग क्या है harniya kya h, 

हर्निया रोग क्या है, हर्निया क्यों होता है?

पेट की मांसपेशियों के कमजोर होने से पेट के अंदर की आंतें बाहर आने लगती हैं जिसे हम हर्निया कहते हैं। ये जन्म से हो सकता है या धीरे धीरे बनने लगता है। खांसी होने से, भारी वज़न उठाने से, सिगरेट पीने से, टांके पकने से और कमजोरी से हर्निया बन जाता है। 

हर्निया से नुकसान

हर्निया से क्या प्रॉब्लम हो सकती है?

अगर हर्निया में उतरी आंतें अपने आप अंदर नहीं जाती हैं तो हमें इमरजेंसी ऑपरेशन करना पड़ता है। ऑपरेशन न करने पर जान का खतरा रहता है। 

बिना ऑपरेशन हर्निया का इलाज - Some yoga people claim that it can be cured and controlled by soft yoga asanas and pranayama, but I have not seen any cure till now in 40 years of my carrier. 

बिना ऑपरेशन हर्निया का इलाज अभी संभव नहीं है। किसी बहकावे में न आएं। कोई गोली कैप्सूल भी इसे ठीक नहीं करता हैं। 

Dr Puneet Agrawal is hernia doctor near me and available on WhatsApp also for online consultation 9837144287.

डॉक्टर पुनीत अग्रवाल 

लैप्रोस्कोपिक सर्जन, लेज़र सर्जन, जनरल सर्जन

प्रोफेसर मेडिकल कॉलेज 

आगरा 282001 

What causes hydrocele in adults ?

What causes hydrocele in adults ? 

Hydrocele हाइड्रोसील is a very common disease among boys and men requiring hydrocele surgery, chiefly eversion of sac.  Hydrocele meaning collection of fluid around testes. Fluid collects around testes, which slowly increases with time. Hydrocele operation is best hydrocele treatment in most of patients. Some people aspirate the fluid from hydrocele but it is not advisable.

I have discussed here hydrocele in hindi, what is hydrocele. Hetrazan & banoside forte are very effective hydrocele medicine. These are basically effective drugs for filaria, which is main cause for hydrocele. 

Hydrocele symptoms are obvious when size increases, after which hydrocele pain is main symptom. Hydrocele causes, mostly it is due to Filaria and trauma and unknown causes also. Sometimes there is no cause found. Hydrocele test is by check up by doctor surgeon and followed by ultrasound scrotum. Sometimes CT scan may also be done. 

Hydrocele kya hai - testes के चारों तरफ पानी भरने को hydrocele  कहते हैं।  इसी को हाइड्रोसील में सूजन कहते हैं। 

Dr Puneet Agrawal is hydrocele doctor near me. He is expert doing hydrocele cure by operation by new methods also. 

Hydrocele medical test kya hota hai, meaning in Hindi for applying in Army- in army medical test standards for recruitment of soldiers in Indian Army, in point number 8 it is stated hernia, hydrocele, varicocele, piles should not be there. 

Hydrocele ka ilaj operation से ही संभव है। हाइड्रोसील का ऑपरेशन कैसे होता है - ये एक छोटा सा ऑपरेशन है तथा सुन्न करके, spinal अथवा बेहोश करके हो सकता है। मुझसे मेरे मरीज पूछते हैं कि hydrocele kya hota hai - गोलियों या testes के चारों तरफ पाये जानी वाली झिल्लियों में पानी भरने को hydrocele कहते हैं। 

हाइड्रोसील कैसे होता है - इसका प्रमुख कारण फ़ाइलेरिया है - अन्य कारण हैं - चोट लगना, इन्फेक्शन होने से, या कैंसर के साथ ये हो सकता है। 

In hydrocele testes is absolutely normal. Varicocele is also a different disease. Scrotum is the sac in which testes rest.

What is best treatment for hydrocele- operation is best solution for hydrocele. Aspiration of fluid is not the best option , it may cause infection, bleeding & fluid filling again. Option of surgery by laser is not advisable. 

हाइड्रोसील का परमानेंट इलाज ऑपरेशन ही है, इसके साथ फाईलेरिया बीमारी का पूरा कोर्स भी देना चाहिए। हाइड्रोसील का ऑपरेशन कितने दिनों में ठीक हो जाता है - मरीज ऑपरेशन के अगले दिन से चलना फिरना प्रारम्भ कर सकता है , एक हफ्ते बाद टांके काटने के बाद मरीज अपने काम पर जा सकता है।  मेहनत करने वाले व्यक्ति २-३ हफ्ते बाद कार्य पर जा सकते हैं। 

अंडकोष में पानी सुखाने की दवा ये हैं - diethylcarbazine, albendazole, ivermectin, doxycycline . 

हाइड्रोसील मैं क्या नहीं खाना चाहिए- चिकनाई का परहेज करें तथा प्रोटीन का अधिक सेवन करें 

Dr Puneet Agrawal

Laparoscopic, Laser Surgeon


Online consultation WhatsApp 9837144287

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