piles doctor लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं
piles doctor लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं

सोमवार, 5 अगस्त 2024

How can I stop blood in Piles ? Bleeding Piles Medicine Tablet खूनी बवासीर का रामबाण इलाज

 Piles bleeding stop tablet name

Piles is a very common problem in all males and females. About 50% of population suffer from piles at 50 years of age.

Today I will discuss about bleeding while pooping or bleeding in stools, which piles tablet, piles medicine can control and stop bleeding effectively. My patients ask me best tablet for piles bleeding. In piles there is bleeding from anus no pain. If fissure is associated with piles patient has severe pain also. Piles without bleeding require lifestyle modification and constipation control. Piles and bleeding is also known as  hemorrhoids bleeding.

Piles bleeding medicine does not work if taken alone. lifestyle modification with sitz bath complete the list of management. High fiber foods for piles is taken on regular basis if you are having family history of piles blood.

Piles symptoms and bleeding piles symptoms are swelling around anus, may be inside which comes out or may be outside, itching, mucous discharge, discomfort etc. Piles meaning presence of engorged veins around anus. Most of the time piles without bleeding are present. 

How to stop bleeding piles ?

For Bleeding piles treatment I have created my own formula of success just not to control bleeding but to cure piles also.

My treatment for piles bleeding is as follows: 

1 Medicine for piles bleeding 

*Tab Ethamsyl bd/tds

*Tab Trexanamic acid bd/tds

*Tab styplon bd/tds

*Tab Diosmin 1 gm od / Tab Daflon 500

2 Piles cream

*Anovate or smuth or crema ano - use these before and after defecation

3 Lifestyle modification

A Drink at least three liters of fluid

B Eat 25-35 gms of fiber per day

*Fiber is present in salad, fruits, vegetables, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, cereals, lean proteins 

C Say no to Alcohol, smoking, caffeine, tea, coffee

D Fat free life

*Reduce fats in diet

*Maintain healthy weight and BMR

*Regular exercises 200 minutes per week

E Flush habits

*Choose Indian toilet or put a stool in front of english toilet seat

*Go to bathroom when urge to pass

*Avoid sitting straining on toilet seat

*Never take mobile, book, newspaper inside

*Wipe bottom with damp toilet paper

*Gently push any pile inside after defecation

F Fomentation

*Warm sitz bath, may be twice a day

*Perform Ashwini Mudra while sitting, for details see this blog

G Free from stress

* To reduce stress do yoga, meditation, listen to music, long drive, rest from work etc

4 Relieve constipation

* Try Isabgol husk or other laxatives

5 Injection Sclerotherapy into bleeding piles

6 Intervention 

* Band ligation, 



If bleeding from piles doesn't stop call Piles Doctor near me Dr Puneet Agrawal who is a Proctologist and serving the society from last forty years from his piles clinic and piles hospital.

Dr Puneet Agrawal is treating piles with bleeding piles medicine  first and perform piles surgery as last resort only.

Anal bleeding is challenging and to consult doctor early prevents us from complications.

Take any medicine under medical supervision only. Bleeding piles homeopathic medicine are also available in market.

Dr Puneet Agrawal

Proctologist near me

Piles specialist doctor near me at Agra

Best piles doctor near me

Best Women Doctor For Piles in Agra

Best Piles Surgeon in Agra

Website Dr Puneet Agrawal

Only WhatsApp 9837144287

शनिवार, 3 अगस्त 2024

Proctologist Near Me, Best Piles Doctor near me

 Proctologist Near Me, Best Piles Doctor near me, Best proctologist in Agra 

I am Surgeon Dr Puneet Agrawal Practicing for more than 40 years at Agra. I am piles specialist doctor in Agra, also professor in Medical College Agra.

My main interest of area  is piles and other related diseases of Anus and Rectum. 

People often ask me how to search Piles specialist doctor near me and Piles treatment near me, piles hospital in Agra.

I Started piles laser treatment in Agra. I am a laser surgeon and Piles surgeon near me as I am dealing with all sorts of anal diseases eg Piles, fissure, fistula, polyp, anal wart, anal itching, pruritis etc

I am attached with several piles hospital near me which are recognized by insurance companies.

My patients consider me doctor for piles near me and Piles Dr near me.

I am practicing at my piles clinic near me at Adarsh nagar, opposite ayodhya Kunj, kheria crossing Agra 282001.

Piles operation cost in Agra is minimal with us. Patients which can not afford the private can be operated free at my place.

Piles treatment is dependent on piles symptoms. You can discuss with your piles doctor about piles in Hindi. What is Piles - Piles meaning engorged veins around anus inside and outside. Piles medicine best work if you control your constipation first. There are several Piles Hospital near me where I perform Piles surgery if required. Most of the time I am curing piles without operation only.

Piles cream is very popular and given with medicine for piles. 

Allopathic and ayurvedic medicines achieve piles cure. Piles pain also becomes better with piles tablet and other treatment for piles. 

Piles Fissure many times exist simultaneously, fissure treatment is priority because of pain.

Hemorrhoids Piles hindi meaning is बवासीर, अर्श, mulvyadh.  

Piles operation is sometimes done if there is no effect of medicines on piles. You can see piles images in my videos on You tube.

Major symptoms of piles are swelling around anus, bleeding and pain, mucous discharge and itching, constipation.

Which doctor is best for piles ? I have experience of treating piles patients from last 40 years. My results are wonderful.

What doctor remove piles? A surgeon with vast experience of anal surgery can operate piles and related conditions.

Which is better treatment for piles ? First I correct the piles without surgery and later take help of several interventions like - Laser, rubber band ligation, piles injection sclerotherapy, piles operation.

Can a doctor see piles ? I have seen that many patients are visiting quacks for piles. This is not correct nowadays. Modern doctors can see the piles by DRE and Proctoscopy.

What teat confirm piles ? Proctoscopy and sigmoidoscopy can diagnose piles in patients.

How to check piles at Home? It is very difficult to do self examination for piles. You may notice some swelling, itching, discharge, or blood. But for confirmation you have to be examined by a doctor.

What food to avoid in piles? Spicy non fibre foods are absolutely contraindicated  in piles.

Is piles a serious problem ? Yes piles are causing problems we have to find a solution for it.

What is the first stage of piles ? When piles does not come out from anus but bleed it is called first grade. Injection and control of constipation work well in this grade.

Can piles go without surgery ? Initial stages can be controlled with lifestyle modification.

Is curd good for piles ? Yes curd and chach are good for piles.

What are grade three piles ? Piles which come out during defecation and have to be pushed inside are termed grade 3.

What size of piles need surgery ? Any grade of piles if causing problems are a good candidate for surgery.

Is piles surgery painful ? Open surgery is painful but can be controlled with good pain killers.

How to avoid piles ? By having a healthy life style, water intake, fiber rich diet and active life.

Pristyn care is a e commerce company serving the patients.

Dr Puneet Agrawal

Piles Doctor

Laser piles specialist

Piles specialist doctor in Agra

Best proctologist in Agra

Piles hospital in Agra


शुक्रवार, 25 नवंबर 2022

बवासीर के मरीज को इलाज के लिए किस डॉक्टर से संपर्क करना चाहिए ? गुदा रोग विशेषज्ञ , सर्जन, फिजिशियन या अन्य

बवासीर के मरीज को इलाज के लिए किस डॉक्टर से संपर्क करना चाहिए ? किस डॉक्टर को दिखाएँ ? गुदा रोग विशेषज्ञ , मल द्वार विशेषज्ञ, सर्जन, फिजिशियन  या अन्य 

बवासीर के सबसे अच्छे डॉक्टर का चयन कैसे करें ? 

Best Piles Doctor near me at Agra for Piles Treatment Piles clinic near me Piles Specialist Doctor Proctologist near me at Agra for Piles Treatment also for lady patients, Piles Hospital for piles surgery

Piles problem - Which category specialist Doctor to consult for Piles ?

Piles treatment without surgery also available

If we have any problem, burning sensation, itching, pain near our anus or rectum we should see a best doctor for piles - गुदा रोग विशेषज्ञ, piles doctor or piles specialist or Proctologist having his piles clinic near me at Agra for treatment.

Your back or rear passage is used by the body to remove waste material in form of potty.

The main symptoms of piles, near this area are

1. Bleeding

2. Swelling around anus which comes out during potty or remain outside always

3. Mucous discharge or watery secretions around potty area

4. Itching in this area

5. symptoms of constipation as pain in stomach, hard potty, more time taken in potty and to use force during defecation

6. sometimes pain in fourth stage

Why would you see a Proctologist ?

A proctologist is a specialist of this area who can diagnose and examine all diseases of this area.

What are other ano rectal diseases besides piles in this area ?

Patient may have piles, fissure, fistula, perianal abscess, warts, condyloma, pruritis ani, fungal infection, prolapse of rectum, mucosal prolapse etc. So it is necessary to see a specialist for correct treatment.

What diseases does a proctologist treat ?

He sees all diseases as described above. He is a specialist to see above diseases.

How do I prepare for a proctologist visit?

No special precautions are required on first visit. Later he will tell you if any special precautions are required.

How he examines a patient?

A proctologit sees a patient by a proctoscope. It is a small instrument which is inserted inside to inspect the anus and lower rectum. It is painless procedure. He checks your piles etc by this. Before this he performs digital rectal examination by lubricated finger.

Can a proctologist remove piles?

Yes he is a qualified surgeon to perform laser or open treatment .

What happens if you let piles go too long ?

With time and no treatment piles increase in size. They may come out and remain their forever. They may also give discomfort, pain and bleeding. Itching and mucous discharge may also occur. In external piles blood clot may form which may ulcerte and bleeding may occur. Infection and anaemia may occur to patient which are extremely uncomfortable.

How can you calm piles?

By my 5F technique

Fluid take 3-4 litres of fluid daily

Fibre  take 25-35 grams fibre daily

Fitness and no fat  do 150-200 minutes exercise daily

Flush habits should be normal

Fuss free life  no stress in life

#piles #pilestreatment #proctologist 

Piles Symptoms

Piles Meaning

Dr Puneet Agrawal MS

गुदा रोग विशेषज्ञ

Proctologist, Piles specialist, Laser Surgeon

58/299 B-1 Adrash Nagar

Kheria Crossing

Agra 282001

Whats App 9837144287

Why is it important to consult a piles doctor?

How is piles treated by piles doctors nearby?

Which doctor is best for piles?

Which is the best hospital for piles treatment in Agra?

Can I have an online consultation with piles doctors in Agra?

yes Dr Puneet Agrawal is available on WhatsApp 9837144287

for online consultation

Can doctors cure piles?

When should I see a doctor for piles?

piles दही से बवासीर का इलाज मलद्वार में सूजन और दर्द का इलाज गुदाद्वार में गांठ का इलाज गर्म पानी से बवासीर का इलाज बवासीर मस्सा का इलाज पाइल्स का इलाज खूनी बवासीर का एलोपैथिक इलाज पाइल्स के मस्से का इलाज गुदाद्वार में दर्द का इलाज bavasir kaise khatm karen फिटकरी और केले से बवासीर का इलाज bawaseer ka ilaj batao मलद्वार बाहर आने का इलाज पाइल्स का bawaseer ka sabse accha ilaj पाइल्स के दर्द का इलाज प्रेगनेंसी में बवासीर का होना बवासीर होने पर खूनी पाइल्स का इलाज खूनी बवासीर का पाइल्स की खूनी मस्सा का इलाज bawaseer kaise khatam hogi बादी बवासीर का होम्योपैथिक इलाज बवासीर के लिए इलाज बवासीर पाइल्स खूनी बवासीर में बड़ी इलायची से बवासीर का इलाज पाइल्स का उपचार बादी पाइल्स का इलाज हमदर्द हब्बे बवासीर बादी पाइल्स बवासीर बवासीर भगंदर का इलाज खुनी बवासीर का इलाज पतंजलि पाइल्स के लिए बवासीर बादी फिस्टुला लेज़र ट्रीटमेंट कॉस्ट सूखी बवासीर तम्बाकू से बवासीर का इलाज खुनी पाइल्स का इलाज नीम की पत्ती से बवासीर का इलाज पाइल्स दर्द का इलाज कथा से बवासीर का इलाज पाइल्स के उपचार प्रेगनेंसी में पाइल्स का उपचार पाइल्स के मस्से पाइल्स के बारे में बवासीर सूजन का इलाज bavasir ka ilaaj gharelu nuskha बादी बवासीर का bawaseer khoon aana बवासीर का इलाज रामदेव बाबा खूनी बवासीर के बवासीर के बारे एलोवेरा हल्दी से बवासीर का इलाज बवासीर का संपूर्ण इलाज बवासीर के मस्से के दर्द का इलाज पाइल्स मस्से का इलाज बवासीर के बाहरी मस्से का इलाज बवासीर का कोई इलाज पाइल्स उपचार बवासीर है बवासीर का इलाज बवासीर का इलाज खूनी पाइल्स क्षार सूत्र पाइल्स पाइल्स को घरेलु उपचार पाइल्स का परमानेंट इलाज पाइल्स का घरेलु उपचार जात्यादि तेल बवासीर प्राइस बाह्य बवासीर प्रेगनेंसी में बवासीर होना ैस्क्युलुस होमियोपैथी फॉर पाइल्स पाइल्स का पतंजलि इलाज मीनिंग ऑफ पाइल्स पाइल्स के सिम्पटम्स piles का इलाज पाइल्स इलाज हब्बे बवासीर बड़ी बेस्ट ट्रीटमेंट फॉर पाइल्स हमदर्द हब्बे बवासीर बड़ी बवासीर का ट्रीटमेंट पाइल्स पैन खुनी पाइल्स बवासीर खूनी बवासीर का इलाज अबाउट पाइल्स पाइलेक्स हिमालया cream pregnancy के बाद बवासीर होना इंटरनल पाइल्स का इलाज टाइप ऑफ़ पाइल्स बवासीर होने पर इलाज bavasir ka gharelu ilaj bataye बवासीर के मस्से हटाने का इलाज फ़िस्सुरे ट्रीटमेंट इन पतञ्जलि बवासीर के इलाज के लिए पाइल्स के इलाज बवासीर के इलाज के बारे में बवासीर को फिटकरी से इलाज बवासीर के मस्से का उपचार खूनी बवासीर के उपचार

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