शनिवार, 3 अगस्त 2024
Can Hydrocele be cured without Surgery Naturally ?
गुरुवार, 1 अगस्त 2024
Hydrocele Pain Relief Medicine
Hydrocele Pain Relief Medicine, which pain killer is best for testicle pain ?
What is Hydrocele ?
Hydrocele meaning collection of fluid or water around our testicles.
Definitive Hydrocele treatment is Hydrocele surgery or Hydrocele Operation
Here I am discussing Hydrocele in Hindi
Causes of Hydrocele in adults and child
Hydrocele is a disease of Men, may be present in all ages from new born to old ages. There are several causes of hydrocele, in majority no cause is known (Idiopathic). Other common causes may be trauma, infection, inflammation, filaria present since birth and rarely tumor or cancer.
How to control Hydrocele ?
Pain may be due to increase in scrotal size. Pain may also occur while you are engaged in sports activity, strenuous exercises and your testicles are moving and are not well supported.
Hydrocele treatment allopathic medicine
Here I am discussing first aid hydrocele pain relief medicine.
This has to be taken if proper medical advice is not available. After taking these medicines proper medical opinion and examination by surgeon is done as soon as possible. Examination is must because there may be hidden tumor or cancer which may be overlooked.
For testis or hydrocele pain the first effective medicine is Flexon, which is combination of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. This tablet can be taken up to three times a day, after meals. You may also take Combiflam , Flozen AA if former is not available. For readers I am giving link on clicking the drug name.
Best medicine for Hydrocele
Pain is also associated with infection. For this antibiotics should be given.
Take tablet Sensiclav 625 three times a day with cap Gut OK twice a day for five days after meals.
If filaria is suspected take tab Hetrazan 100 mg three times a day for 14 days.
Scrotal swelling treatment
Take advice of a qualified doctor as soon as possible.
Wear v shaped underwear so that your testicles should remain rested.
Avoid running and cycling to prevent trauma to testicles and hydrocele.
What is best treatment for hydrocele ?
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