रविवार, 13 नवंबर 2022

Gynecomastia - is treatment without operation possible?

 Gynecomastia Commonly asked questions with answers

All you want to know

Gynecomastia is also called enlargement of /male breast/s, man boys boobs, breast lump

Gynecomastia meaning in hindi

लड़कों में तथा पुरषों में स्तनों के बढ़ने को पुंस्तनवृद्धि कहते हैं। 

Gynecomastia meaning and causes

This is formed because of swelling of men/ boys breasts gland tissue due to hormonal imbalance in body. Male hormone testosterone is reduced or female oestrogen is increased.

Main reason are puberty, ageing, some drugs, diseases which manipulates the hormone, not to miss is pituitary gland tumor & testes tumors.


it is not a serious condition. men & boys may have pain, swelling and may feel ashamed. It may cure or go away on its own. if it persists consultation with a surgeon should be planned.

How do you deal with Gynecomastia

You can deal with gynecomastia by counselling. It will reduce the anxiety, apprehension and depression in young boys.

Tests and Investigations

The surgeon may ask for some tests for possible causes of gynecomastia, not to miss the breast cancer and testes cancers.

Tests may include

Blood tests

Ultrasound may be the first test


CT scan or MRI of breast, head, tetes and abdomen

Testicular ultrasound

FNAC fine needle needle aspiration cytology

Gynecomastia Treatment Pill

Most cases cure with time.

if it is due to pituitary gland disease, malnutrition, cirrhosis further investigations and treatment should be done.

Some times medication which are useful in gynecomastia are Tamoxifen or Anastrozole which can only be taken under medical supervision.

Operation Surgery

If patient persists for removal then mastectomy should be done to remove gland or liposuction of breast fat should be done.

At operation age should be more than 18 years.

Can gynecomastia turn into cancer

Yes, there are ten times increased risk to develop breast cancer in men.

is gynecomastia surgery safe?

it is a very safe operation. Risks are the same as with any other operation.

Diet which can be used in gynecomastia

Salmon tuna fish, leafy green vegetables, sweet potatoes, berries, citrus foods, beans reduce the stress and strain inside the body.

Is gynecomastia because of Fat?

By exercise or by losing weight it will not reduce or cure.

Gynecomastia treatment without surgery, How can i reduce my gynecomastia naturally, nonsurgically

*By dieting and exercises

*Stop using drugs and steroids 

*To stop alcohol ingestion

*To stop taking hormones

Operation recovery time

if everything is well, about 2 weeks rest is sufficient. (Not bed rest)

Results of surgery are usually permanent, they don't recur. 

Gynecomastia surgery does not effect testosterone hormone levels in body.

There are no complications or disadvantage of surgery beside routine problems which can come with any operation.

you have to shave the chest before operation besides to control sugar and thyroid levels.

Role of diet

Eating high fat, high carbohydrate diet is not good for us. Excessive weight increases the fat all over body and also at breast tissue.

Gynecomastia is not a serious problem but we have to rule out all the factors which may indicate some other diseases in body.

Gynecomastia surgery near me and cost in India

 Dr Puneet Agrawal is a practicing  laparoscopic and laser surgeon based at Agra. He is available for consultation and can give opinion besides performing operation. He is doctor near me and Surgeon near me for Gynecomastia. Gynecomastia surgery cost is not the problem with Dr Puneet Agrawal. 

You can contact him for online consultation on WhatsApp 9837144287 with your photographs from front and side.

See the operation here done by Dr Puneet Agrawal

Dr Puneet Agrawal 


Laparoscopic surgeon 

Laser Surgeon 


58/299 B-1 Adarsh Nagar 

Kheria Crossing 

Agra 282001

WhatsApp number 9837144287

Appointment 0562 2301402

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