Is it embarrassing to talk about piles ? Why can't we discuss about piles with our friends, relatives and doctors?
Piles is a very common condition. About ten lac new cases of piles are reported every year. About 50-85% of population is suffering from piles at some time of their life.
It is always a taboo like sex or like periods in females. There are lot of fun and jokes which are associated with this. We are embarrassed if we pass wind in public or if we scratch our anus openly. And this is the reason in our mindset that talking about anus is embarrassing. And we have this perception since childhood.
Anus is like any other body part. It is very very important for the body. We should not feel shy if we are having some problem in this area. Like other organs diseases may also effect it.
Don't consider that only piles can occur here. There are several conditions which may affect the anus eg. anal fissure, anal fistula, wart, condyloma, fungal infection, cancer, prolapse, ulcer etc..
My advice to you is to talk about your condition freely from your friends or relatives. You may be benefited with their experiences.
Also, talk to your doctor openly to get relieved.
Piles may be a life threatening condition some time and we should never ignore the symptom. Also we can miss the cancer which will be real troublesome.
Dr Puneet Agrawall
piles, piles treatment, embarrassing, piles symptoms, how to know piles symptoms in Hindi, piles doctor, piles surgery
बवासीर के मरीज को इलाज के लिए किस डॉक्टर से संपर्क करना चाहिए ? किस डॉक्टर को दिखाएँ ? गुदा रोग विशेषज्ञ , मल द्वार विशेषज्ञ, सर्जन, फिजिशियन या अन्य
बवासीर के सबसे अच्छे डॉक्टर का चयन कैसे करें ?
Best Piles Doctor near me at Agra for Piles Treatment Piles clinic near me Piles Specialist Doctor Proctologist near me at Agra for Piles Treatment also for lady patients, Piles Hospital for piles surgery
Piles problem - Which category specialist Doctor to consult for Piles ?
Piles treatment without surgery also available
If we have any problem, burning sensation, itching, pain near our anus or rectum we should see a best doctor for piles - गुदा रोग विशेषज्ञ, piles doctor or piles specialist or Proctologist having his piles clinic near me at Agra for treatment.
Your back or rear passage is used by the body to remove waste material in form of potty.
The main symptoms of piles, near this area are
1. Bleeding
2. Swelling around anus which comes out during potty or remain outside always
3. Mucous discharge or watery secretions around potty area
4. Itching in this area
5. symptoms of constipation as pain in stomach, hard potty, more time taken in potty and to use force during defecation
6. sometimes pain in fourth stage
Why would you see a Proctologist ?
A proctologist is a specialist of this area who can diagnose and examine all diseases of this area.
What are other ano rectal diseases besides piles in this area ?
Patient may have piles, fissure, fistula, perianal abscess, warts, condyloma, pruritis ani, fungal infection, prolapse of rectum, mucosal prolapse etc. So it is necessary to see a specialist for correct treatment.
What diseases does a proctologist treat ?
He sees all diseases as described above. He is a specialist to see above diseases.
How do I prepare for a proctologist visit?
No special precautions are required on first visit. Later he will tell you if any special precautions are required.
How he examines a patient?
A proctologit sees a patient by a proctoscope. It is a small instrument which is inserted inside to inspect the anus and lower rectum. It is painless procedure. He checks your piles etc by this. Before this he performs digital rectal examination by lubricated finger.
Can a proctologist remove piles?
Yes he is a qualified surgeon to perform laser or open treatment .
What happens if you let piles go too long ?
With time and no treatment piles increase in size. They may come out and remain their forever. They may also give discomfort, pain and bleeding. Itching and mucous discharge may also occur. In external piles blood clot may form which may ulcerte and bleeding may occur. Infection and anaemia may occur to patient which are extremely uncomfortable.
How can you calm piles?
By my 5F technique
Fluid take 3-4 litres of fluid daily
Fibre take 25-35 grams fibre daily
Fitness and no fat do 150-200 minutes exercise daily
Flush habits should be normal
Fuss free life no stress in life
#piles #pilestreatment #proctologist
Piles Symptoms
Piles Meaning
Dr Puneet Agrawal MS
गुदा रोग विशेषज्ञ
Proctologist, Piles specialist, Laser Surgeon
58/299 B-1 Adrash Nagar
Kheria Crossing
Agra 282001
Whats App 9837144287
Why is it important to consult a piles doctor?
How is piles treated by piles doctors nearby?
Which doctor is best for piles?
Which is the best hospital for piles treatment in Agra?
Can I have an online consultation with piles doctors in Agra?
yes Dr Puneet Agrawal is available on WhatsApp 9837144287
for online consultation
Can doctors cure piles?
When should I see a doctor for piles?
दही से बवासीर का इलाज
मलद्वार में सूजन और दर्द का इलाज
गुदाद्वार में गांठ का इलाज
गर्म पानी से बवासीर का इलाज
बवासीर मस्सा का इलाज
पाइल्स का इलाज
खूनी बवासीर का एलोपैथिक इलाज
पाइल्स के मस्से का इलाज
गुदाद्वार में दर्द का इलाज
bavasir kaise khatm karen
फिटकरी और केले से बवासीर का इलाज
bawaseer ka ilaj batao
मलद्वार बाहर आने का इलाज
पाइल्स का
bawaseer ka sabse accha ilaj
पाइल्स के दर्द का इलाज
प्रेगनेंसी में बवासीर का होना
बवासीर होने पर
खूनी पाइल्स का इलाज
खूनी बवासीर का
पाइल्स की
खूनी मस्सा का इलाज
bawaseer kaise khatam hogi
बादी बवासीर का होम्योपैथिक इलाज
बवासीर के लिए इलाज
बवासीर पाइल्स
खूनी बवासीर में
बड़ी इलायची से बवासीर का इलाज
पाइल्स का उपचार
बादी पाइल्स का इलाज
हमदर्द हब्बे बवासीर बादी
पाइल्स बवासीर
बवासीर भगंदर का इलाज
खुनी बवासीर का इलाज पतंजलि
पाइल्स के लिए
बवासीर बादी
फिस्टुला लेज़र ट्रीटमेंट कॉस्ट
सूखी बवासीर
तम्बाकू से बवासीर का इलाज
खुनी पाइल्स का इलाज
नीम की पत्ती से बवासीर का इलाज
पाइल्स दर्द का इलाज
कथा से बवासीर का इलाज
पाइल्स के उपचार
प्रेगनेंसी में पाइल्स का उपचार
पाइल्स के मस्से
पाइल्स के बारे में
बवासीर सूजन का इलाज
bavasir ka ilaaj gharelu nuskha
बादी बवासीर का
bawaseer khoon aana
बवासीर का इलाज रामदेव बाबा
खूनी बवासीर के
बवासीर के बारे
एलोवेरा हल्दी से बवासीर का इलाज
बवासीर का संपूर्ण इलाज
बवासीर के मस्से के दर्द का इलाज
पाइल्स मस्से का इलाज
बवासीर के बाहरी मस्से का इलाज
बवासीर का कोई इलाज
पाइल्स उपचार
बवासीर है
बवासीर का इलाज बवासीर का इलाज
खूनी पाइल्स
क्षार सूत्र पाइल्स
पाइल्स को घरेलु उपचार
पाइल्स का परमानेंट इलाज
पाइल्स का घरेलु उपचार
जात्यादि तेल बवासीर प्राइस
बाह्य बवासीर
प्रेगनेंसी में बवासीर होना
ैस्क्युलुस होमियोपैथी फॉर पाइल्स
पाइल्स का पतंजलि इलाज
मीनिंग ऑफ पाइल्स
पाइल्स के सिम्पटम्स
piles का इलाज
पाइल्स इलाज
हब्बे बवासीर बड़ी
बेस्ट ट्रीटमेंट फॉर पाइल्स
हमदर्द हब्बे बवासीर बड़ी
बवासीर का ट्रीटमेंट
पाइल्स पैन
खुनी पाइल्स
बवासीर खूनी बवासीर का इलाज
अबाउट पाइल्स
पाइलेक्स हिमालया cream
pregnancy के बाद बवासीर होना
इंटरनल पाइल्स का इलाज
टाइप ऑफ़ पाइल्स
बवासीर होने पर इलाज
bavasir ka gharelu ilaj bataye
बवासीर के मस्से हटाने का इलाज
फ़िस्सुरे ट्रीटमेंट इन पतञ्जलि
बवासीर के इलाज के लिए
पाइल्स के इलाज
बवासीर के इलाज के बारे में
बवासीर को फिटकरी से इलाज
बवासीर के मस्से का उपचार
खूनी बवासीर के उपचार
किस आकार की पित्त की थैली का ऑपरेशन करवाना चाहिए ? किस आकार की पथरी खतरनाक एवं जानलेवा सिद्ध हो सकती है ?
What size of Gallbladder stones need surgery? Which size of gallbladder stone is dangerous ?
आजकल अल्ट्रासाउंड बहुत ही सुलभता से उपलब्ध है। पेट में कोई भी परेशानी होने पर डॉक्टर तुरंत अल्ट्रासाउंड करवाते हैं। अगर रिपोर्ट में पथरी आती है तो क्या हमें तुरंत ऑपरेशन करवा लेना चाहिए।
पित्त और गुर्दे की पथरी में यही अंतर है कि गुर्दे से हम तुरंत पथरी निकालते हैं पर पित्त की थैली में पथरी को थैली समेत निकाला जाता है।
पित्त की थैली की पथरी का इलाज के बारे में अब आपको कुछ महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी दूंगा। एक छोटा स्टोन पित्त की थैली से बाहर आकर पित्त की नली में फंस सकता है, जिससे पीलिया हो सकता है। या पैंक्रियास की नली में अटक कर इन्फेक्शन कर सकता हैं - acute Pancreatitis जो कि एक खतरनाक बीमारी है।
अगर पथरी का आकार २ से ३ सेंटीमीटर है तो तुरंत ऑपरेशन करना चहिये क्योंकि इस अवस्था में पित्त की थैली का कैंसर होने की संभावनाएं बढ़ जाती हैं।
अगर पित्त की थैली में केवल बजरी है तो जीवन शैली में परिवर्तन कर हम इसे पथरी बनने से रोक सकते हैं।
1 तीन से चार लीटर पानी प्रतिदिन पीना चाहिए
2 मौसम के अनुसार फल तथा सब्जियां खाएं
3 हफ्ते में 150 से 200 मिनट व्यायाम करें
4 तनाव मुक्त रहें
5 वज़न न बढ़ने दें
6 डायबिटीज तथा थाइरोइड का ध्यान रखें
Any size of gallbladder stone is dangerous. Only if stone size is 10 or 11 or 12 mm size and if gallbladder is contracting in response to fatty meal we may wait and watch and pursue life with above lifestyle modifications.
What size gallstone is too big
Every stone is dangerous and we should pay attention by proper consultation with surgeon and operation if advised.
If stones are small
Small stones may come out of gallbladder and can cause jaundice or acute pancreatitis. They need immediate attention for it. Patients with gallbladder stone less than 5 mm have 4 fold more risk of developing acute biliary pancreatitis.
Is 10 mm gallstone need surgery?
No operation is required if gallbladder stone is non symptomatic and no other risk factor is present.
How fast do gallstones grow?
They increase slowly depending on your lifestyle and dietary habits.
How long can I live with gallstones?
Depends on complications it is creating. No change once operation is done, which is a safe surgery nowadays.
Can drinking water remove gallstones?
Water helps in keeping cholesterol out of our body, so drink atleast 3 liters of water daily.
गुर्दे की पथरी के मरीजों को टमाटर तथा उसके बीज क्यों नहीं खाने चाहिए। एक बार पथरी बनने पर उसको दुबारा बनने से कैसे रोकें
Why we should not eat tomatoes in Kidney Stones ?
Most common kidney stones are calcium oxalate stones containing calcium and oxalate-oxalic acid.
If you want to cofirmm your type of stone, send the passed stone for chemical evaluation or send your urine for examination.
Body produces Oxalates in our liver from amino acids proteins and also formed when we metabolize vitamin c. 20-40% of oxalates come from our food. Oxalates are found in nuts, fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes.
Tomatoes are botanically fruits. In 1893 a US supreme court directed that it will be considered as vegetables.
Tomatoes are considered notorious in forming kidney stones especially its seeds. People think in kidney stones we should not eat any thing containing seeds.
Is it True ?
Contrary to general belief scientists have cleared that there is no role of tomatoes in forming kidney stones or in recurrence of kidney stones.
Tomatoes contain oxalates in very small amount. About 100 gms of tomatoes contain 5 mg of oxalates. If you eat kilos of tomatoes only than you may develop excess of oxalates in your body.
How can we reduce oxalate content of Tomatoes?
1. Oxalates combine with calcium present in foods to form calcium oxalate which are then excreted in faeces from colon. So to prevent absorption of oxalate we should eat calcium rich diet with tomatoes or other oxalate rich foods. Both will combine and will be excreted out of body as tomato paneer.
2. Before eating tomatoes drink lots of water to keep body hydrated.
3. Oxalates are water soluble. They can be reduced from vegetables by boiling and discarding the water in which tomatoes are boiled.
4. Do not mix tomato and spinach as both are oxalate rich foods.
5. Don't worry about seeds as they are passed in potty without absorption.
Other common precautions
6. Drink atleast 3-4 litres of water daily. You should produce atleast 2 litres of urine daily.
7. Eat less sodium in food eg common salt (NaCl)
8. Eat less animal proteins
9. Avoid vitamin C supplements , Should not take more than 500 mg in a day
Gynecomastia Commonly asked questions with answers
All you want to know
Gynecomastia is also called enlargement of /male breast/s, man boys boobs, breast lump
Gynecomastia meaning in hindi
लड़कों में तथा पुरषों में स्तनों के बढ़ने को पुंस्तनवृद्धि कहते हैं।
Gynecomastia meaning and causes
This is formed because of swelling of men/ boys breasts gland tissue due to hormonal imbalance in body. Male hormone testosterone is reduced or female oestrogen is increased.
Main reason are puberty, ageing, some drugs, diseases which manipulates the hormone, not to miss is pituitary gland tumor & testes tumors.
it is not a serious condition. men & boys may have pain, swelling and may feel ashamed. It may cure or go away on its own. if it persists consultation with a surgeon should be planned.
How do you deal with Gynecomastia
You can deal with gynecomastia by counselling. It will reduce the anxiety, apprehension and depression in young boys.
Tests and Investigations
The surgeon may ask for some tests for possible causes of gynecomastia, not to miss the breast cancer and testes cancers.
Tests may include
Blood tests
Ultrasound may be the first test
CT scan or MRI of breast, head, tetes and abdomen
Testicular ultrasound
FNAC fine needle needle aspiration cytology
Gynecomastia Treatment Pill
Most cases cure with time.
if it is due to pituitary gland disease, malnutrition, cirrhosis further investigations and treatment should be done.
Some times medication which are useful in gynecomastia are Tamoxifen or Anastrozole which can only be taken under medical supervision.
Operation Surgery
If patient persists for removal then mastectomy should be done to remove gland or liposuction of breast fat should be done.
At operation age should be more than 18 years.
Can gynecomastia turn into cancer
Yes, there are ten times increased risk to develop breast cancer in men.
is gynecomastia surgery safe?
it is a very safe operation. Risks are the same as with any other operation.
Diet which can be used in gynecomastia
Salmon tuna fish, leafy green vegetables, sweet potatoes, berries, citrus foods, beans reduce the stress and strain inside the body.
Is gynecomastia because of Fat?
By exercise or by losing weight it will not reduce or cure.
Gynecomastia treatment without surgery, How can i reduce my gynecomastia naturally, nonsurgically
*By dieting and exercises
*Stop using drugs and steroids
*To stop alcohol ingestion
*To stop taking hormones
Operation recovery time
if everything is well, about 2 weeks rest is sufficient. (Not bed rest)
Results of surgery are usually permanent, they don't recur.
Gynecomastia surgery does not effect testosterone hormone levels in body.
There are no complications or disadvantage of surgery beside routine problems which can come with any operation.
you have to shave the chest before operation besides to control sugar and thyroid levels.
Role of diet
Eating high fat, high carbohydrate diet is not good for us. Excessive weight increases the fat all over body and also at breast tissue.
Gynecomastia is not a serious problem but we have to rule out all the factors which may indicate some other diseases in body.
Gynecomastia surgery near me and cost in India
Dr Puneet Agrawal is a practicing laparoscopic and laser surgeon based at Agra. He is available for consultation and can give opinion besides performing operation. He is doctor near me and Surgeon near me for Gynecomastia. Gynecomastia surgery cost is not the problem with Dr Puneet Agrawal.
You can contact him for online consultation on WhatsApp 9837144287 with your photographs from front and side.
पित्त की थैली नाशपाती के आकार की हमारे लिवर के नीचे होती है। इसमें लिवर से बना हुआ पित्त एकत्रित होता रहता है। जब हम खाना कहते हैं तो ये छोटी आंत में पहुँच कर वसा चिकनाई को पचाने में मदद करता है। इसका मुंह खुलता है और पित्त बाहर निकलता है।
पित्त की थैली को इंग्लिश में गॉलब्लेडर कहते हैं। गॉलब्लेडर को हिंदी में पित्त की थैली कहते हैं। ज्यादा वसा युक्त खाना खाने से, व्यायाम ना करने से पित्त की थैली में पथरी बन जाती है। एक बार पथरी बनने पर ऑपरेशन सर्जरी से इसको निकालना ही इसका एकमात्र उपाय है। आजकल दूरबीन लैप्रोस्कोपिक विधि द्वारा इसका ऑपरेशन बहुत ही सुलभता से हो रहा है। इसमें बहुत छोटे छोटे चार छेदों से ही पूरा ऑपरेशन हो जाता है।
पित्त की थैली का ऑपरेशन लेज़र से नहीं होता है ये ध्यान रखें।
पित्त की थैली में स्टोन का ऑपरेशन वीडियो यहाँ देखें -
पित्त की थैली का ऑपरेशन खर्च के बारे में जानने के लिए डॉ पुनीत अग्रवाल को 9837144287 पर whatsapp करें।
डॉ पुनीत अग्रवाल MS
प्रोफेसर ऑफ़ सर्जरी
मेडिकल कॉलेज
58/299 B -1 आदर्श नगर
खेरिअ क्रासिंग
आगरा 282001
Whatsapp 9837144287
What is Pit Pitt Pitte Pitta ki Thaili, Stone, Pathri, Mein, ka operation
pit Pitt ki thaili meaning in English
Gallbladder in hindi - पित्त की थैली
पित्त की थैली का मुंह कब खुलता है, चित्र
पथरी स्टोन का ऑपरेशन वीडियो
पथरी का इलाज, लक्षण
पित्त की थैली में की पथरी निकालने का अचूक उपाय, आयुर्वेदिक इलाज,खर्च,दवा
पित्त की थैली निकालने के बाद नुकसान
Gall bladder stone removal surgery cost, Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, side effects, diet after operation, cost,
gallbladder stone removal surgery name is cholecystectomy