शनिवार, 3 अगस्त 2024

Can Hydrocele be cured without Surgery Naturally ?

 Can Hydrocele be cured without Surgery Naturally ?

Hydrocele may appear in males at any time of their life. Clear fluid collects around testis in its surrounding membranes.
Generally these form because of trauma to scrotum or other infections like syphilis, tuberculosis or commonest cause in eastern India is Filaria. Sometimes they accompany tumour or cancer of testes.

About 10% of new born males are having hydrocele at birth but most disappear with time in next one year.
If any infection is present in scrotum they disappear within six months to one year after taking proper treatment.

Sometimes they appear after hernia surgery.

Prevent your testis with any type of trauma. Wear v shaped underwear. 
Keep your scrotum clean all the time.
Drink lots of water so that you can avoid urinary tract infection.
Practice safe sex to avoid STD.
Examination to rule out cancer etc.

If  hydrocele persists even after 6-12 months operation is advised. Some people aspirate the fluid from hydrocele, but I never give this advice to my patients to avoid complications.

For filaria tab hetrazan can be give.
I have never seen a large hydrocele disappearing with any treatment.

Hydrocele  Doctor near me
Best Hydrocele doctor
Hydrocele specialist doctor near me
WhatsApp 9837144287

गुरुवार, 1 अगस्त 2024

Hydrocele Pain Relief Medicine

 Hydrocele Pain Relief Medicine, which pain killer is best for testicle pain ? 

What is Hydrocele ?

Hydrocele meaning collection of fluid or water around our testicles.

Definitive Hydrocele treatment is Hydrocele surgery or Hydrocele Operation

Here I am discussing Hydrocele in Hindi

Causes of Hydrocele in adults and child

Hydrocele is a disease of Men, may be present in all ages from new born to old ages. There are several causes of hydrocele, in majority no cause is known (Idiopathic). Other common causes may be trauma, infection, inflammation, filaria present since birth and rarely tumor or cancer.

How to control Hydrocele ?

Pain may be due to increase in scrotal size. Pain may also occur while you are engaged in sports activity, strenuous exercises and your testicles are moving and are not well supported.

Hydrocele treatment allopathic medicine 

Here I am discussing first aid hydrocele pain relief medicine. 

This has to be taken if proper medical advice is not available. After taking these medicines proper medical opinion and examination by surgeon is done as soon as possible. Examination is must because there may be hidden tumor or cancer which may be overlooked.

For testis or hydrocele pain the first effective medicine is Flexon, which is combination of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. This tablet can be taken up to three times a day, after meals. You may also take Combiflam ,  Flozen AA if former is not available. For readers I am giving link on clicking the drug name.

Best medicine for Hydrocele

Pain is also associated with infection. For this antibiotics should be given.

Take tablet Sensiclav 625 three times a day with cap  Gut OK twice a day for five days after meals.

If filaria is suspected take tab  Hetrazan 100 mg three times a day for 14 days.

Scrotal swelling treatment

Take advice of a qualified doctor as soon as possible.

Wear v shaped underwear so that your testicles should remain rested.

Avoid running and cycling to prevent trauma to testicles and hydrocele.

What is best treatment for hydrocele ?

Surgery or operation is best treatment of hydrocele

Dr Puneet Agrawal
Hydrocele doctor near me
Hydrocele specialist doctor near me 

शनिवार, 22 जून 2024

Symptoms of Rabies in Dogs

 Symptoms of Rabies in Dogs

Rabies is a 100% fatal disease. It is caused by the bite of rabied dogs, monkeys, cats, cows or bats or may be humans.

99% of human rabies cases are caused by an infected dog bite.

Today I will discuss about rabies in dogs - How they catch the infection of rabies, how can we diagnose rabies and how can we prevent rabies in dogs and transmission in humans ?

Remember Hydrophobia which is fear of drinking water, commonly present in humans but it is not present in dogs (or rarely).


When we heard about rabies, we think of a mad dog, who is barking without a reason and unprovoked, having his tongue out and jaws are full of saliva and foam.

But in reality this is not true picture always.

A rabied dog may look completely normal in initial stages but may be having most lethal virus in his mouth and in saliva.

Remember each dog that bites does not have rabies and each rabied dog doesn't bite.

A dog is infected with rabies virus if an infected wild animal or another infected animal or infected bat bites the dog.

Rabies in dogs presents as Furious form 80% and as paralytic form 20%.

A dog will die in 4 days after rabies symptoms, that's why we observe the dog for 10 days, which includes some grace period.

Beware of rabies in puppies

Rabies in puppy is usually ignored because aggresiveness of puppy is considered normal (bite + scratching).

If you are vaccinating dogs, give vaccine to all puppies also.

Symptoms according to WHO

1 Hypersalivation

2 Paralysis

3 Lethargy, twitching, fits

4 Abnormal vocalization, strained or hoarse barking

5 Unprovoked abnormal aggression - Biting other animals or persons

Furious type rabies - 80%

Dog is hyperactive, aggressive and irritable

Dog may bite each and every thing which is nearby

Dog's voice is changed , it may be strained or hoarse barking

Dog may have abnormal twitching of muscles, may have seizures and may bite other animals or persons without provoking. 

In paralytic rabies 20% or dumb form

In this type dog develops paralysis and weakness of muscles

Dog may not be able to walk properly.

Dog may not be interested in playing, looks sleepy and lethargy.

Rabies do paralysis of tongue and muscles of jaw -- That's why tongue is loose, coming out of jaws. jaw remains open, saliva comes out & jaw is full of saliva and foam.

Every dog has different symptoms. Some are not able to drink water, some eat very easily.

What to do if other stray animal bites your dog

If a wild or stray animal bites your dog-

Call your vet or someone from vet clinic

Let him examine the wound and clean the wound to prevent infection

dog will also be given booster of rabies vaccination.

What not to do

You do not clean wound yourself because you can catch rabies from dog. Or wear gloves.

Dog vaccination

Dog 1st shot at 6 weeks then every 3 weeks till 16 weeks old

Adult dogs to be revaccinated every 1-3 years.

Every dog has different symptoms. Some are not able to drink water, some eat very easily.

What to do if other animal bites your dog 

If a wild or stray animal bites your dog-

*Call your vet or helper from vet clinic

*Let him examine the wound and clean the wound to prevent infection

*Dog will also be given booster of rabies vaccination

What not to do

You don't clean wound yourself, you can catch rabies from dog.

or wear gloves.

Don't give vaccination to a symptomatic unvaccinated dog - may cause a seere adverse reaction

Dog vaccination

Dog 1st shot at 6 weeks

then every 3 weeks till 16 weeks old

Adult dogs to be revaccinated every 1-3 years.


There is no test for diagnosis of rabies, can only be diagnosed by direct examination of brain.

The safest possibility for diagnosis is to sacrifice the animal or strict quarantine for many months.

I also have videos on these topics-

How many days after dog bite rabies symptoms appear

What happens if a vaccinated dog bites you

What to do if a dog bites you but doesn't break skin, and breaks the skin

Dog bite injection dose days

Can I take rabies vaccine without dog bite 

Which injection is used for dog bite

Dog bit

Anti rabies vaccine dose for adults

How long anti rabies vaccine is effective in humans in India

A dog rabies patient can be prevented by rabies injection known as rabies vaccine. Rabies video showing them is really frustrating. Rabies ka injection is given after dog bite in upper arm in deltoid muscle. Rabies kya hota hai, actually rabies virus is transmitted by rabied animals esp dog, cat, monkey etc.. Rabies hindi mein apni video mein bataya hai. Rabies symptoms, rabies ke lakshan are general symptoms, symptoms of brain, hydrophobia etc.. Dog bite rabies is more common than other animals. Rabies in humans is as deadly as in other animals. More than 95% of rabies case is due to dog bite. Rabies in dog comes from bite by another rabied animals. Rabies treatment is possible by anti rabies injection after dog bite. Dog rabies injection price is company specific. Rabies injection for dogs are available. Rabies immunoglobulin injection is given in category III wounds. Anti rabies vaccine is 100% safe.

गुरुवार, 9 मई 2024

Can syphilis be transmitted through kissing ? Syphilis in Hindi

 Can syphilis be transmitted through kissing ? Syphilis in Hindi

अपनी बात प्रारम्भ करने से पहले मैं आपको बताना चाहूंगा कि इस सवाल का उत्तर हाँ में है। 

आइये अब आपसे विस्तार से चर्चा करते हैं। 

सिफलिस के कीटाणु खाल पर या मुंह के अंदर स्थित छालों या घावों cuts से पार्टनर में इन्फेक्शन करते हैं। अगर आपके पार्टनर के मुंह के आसपास, मुँह के अंदर, जीभ पर पर सिफलिस के छाले हैं या घाव हैं तो संपर्क में आने पर आपको सिफलिस हो सकती हैं बाबजूद इसके कि आपने सेक्स किया भी न हो, केवल किस किया हो। For infection of syphilis penetrative sex and ejaculation is not the must. 

थूक या saliva से सिफलिस सामान्यतः नहीं फैलती है। 

किसिंग करते समय dental dam या कंडोम का प्रयोग करें। कंडोम लेटेक्स का प्रयोग करना चाहिए या poly urethrane  का यदि आपको लेटेक्स से एलर्जी है। 

आइये जानते हैं सिफलिस के छाले या chancre मुंह में या आसपास कैसे बनते हैं ?

छाले मुख मैथुन या ओरल सेक्स से बनते हैं। जब ओरल सेक्स बिना किसी प्रोटेक्शन से इन्फेक्टेड लिंग, योनि, या गुदा द्वार पर किया जाता है तो इन्फेक्शन ओरल सेक्स करने वाले व्यक्ति के मुंह तथा आसपास की खाल पर भी हो जाता है। 

किस करते समय पार्टनर का मुंह जब इन छालों से संपर्क में आता है तो मुंह में भी इन्फेक्टेड चले बन जाते हैं तथा सिफलिस इन्फेक्शन हो जाता है। 

छाले बनने के लिए सेक्स करना जरुरी नहीं है।  संक्रमित खाल के संपर्क में आने से भी चले बन जाते हैं। 

Syphilis disease is a common Sexually transmitted disease STD or STI present in the world since ages.

Syphilis meaning infection by a bacteria. Syphilis is caused by a bacteria name - Treponema Palladium, the syphilis causative agent.

Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis test - VDRL, RPR Rapid Plasma Reagin, confirmatory test for syphilis are - TPHA, FTA-ABS. 

Syphilis symptoms are generally appear after three weeks of sexual activity and contact with diseased partner. Syphilis spread through these. Syphilis is transmitted by vaginal, anal, oral sex and also by coming in contact with skin of infected partner.

Syphilis treatment is very simple and done by giving syphilis medicine - antibiotics especially Benzathine Penicillin, Doxycycline, azithromycin and tetracycline.

When treating syphilis always check for HIV, gonorrhoea, herpes, hepatitis b, c, Human papilloma virus HPV.

Congenital Syphilis means, it is present in child since birth.

VDRL test positive means syphilis infection may be present but we have to confirm it by further testing. full form of VDRL is Venereal drug research laboratory. 

You can See my video on syphilis symptoms in female and male and photograph of syphilis lesion on youtube. 

Syphilis cure time is not much and can be checked by reducing titers of RPR as FTAABS and TPHA are positive for life once infection occurred in body.

Is syphilis 100% curable ?

Yes, if you take antibiotics full course and check your titer under supervision of your doctor. But there is no way to repair organs damaged by syphilis infection.

Can I have syphilis by sitting on Public toilet seat, question asked by ladies ?

You can't get syphilis by touching objects like toilet seat, utensils door handles, because bacteria can't survive on objects for long.

शुक्रवार, 5 अप्रैल 2024

Fatty liver home remedies and treatment in Hindi in India

 Fatty liver home remedies and treatment in Hindi in India

Today I am talking about How to cure fatty liver especially NAFLD Non alcoholic fatty liver disease. Every patient of mine ask how to reduce fatty liver? Fatty liver ka ilaj kya hai. How to reverse it. Dr Sarin has wisely talked about it. 

What is good for fatty liver and enlarged liver. How to clean fatty liver naturally?

फैटी लिवर में क्या खाना चाहिए, what is diet plan and how to get rid of fatty liver by diet and lifestyle modification.

Generally fatty liver symptoms are not specific and don’t present early.

Fatty liver test is Fibroscan a type of ultrasound.

Lifestyle modifications are

Consider your health similar to your liver health 

Reduce weight 

Start exercise 

Drink more water 

Take good sleep 

Keep away from stress 

Leave these 3 white poisons

Sugar milk and maida

Check any cosmetics for heavy metals

Don’t take any drugs without prescription, 

No ayurvedic or herbal drugs

Check chronic medicines 

No alcohol 

Control diabetes thyroid 

Take vaccination for hepatitis 

Check vitamin d and b12 levels 

Diet plan for fatty liver—

1 eat lot of cruciferous vegetables daily

2 Eat garlic daily 

3 Take olive oil daily extra virgin prefer

4 Take lemon juice daily with raw honey 

5 Take turmeric with black pepper

6 Eat beet root steamed or cook

7 Mustard seeds are also be taken in salad or during cooking.

8 Take good fats

Consider Food is an investment for your health, it is not the expense.

Dr Puneet Agrawal 

Doctor near you taking care of your fatty liver, Gallbladder Pancreas and Piles health through diet lifestyle modification home remedies and treatment 

सोमवार, 19 फ़रवरी 2024



Hernia disease is a very common condition, affects men, women and children of all ages. In most cases hernia surgery is required for achieving cure. Some of common hernia types are- inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia, hiatus hernia, hernia developing after some operation named incisional hernia etc..

What is hernia - Our stomach (Abdomen) keeps all the intestines in a closed space as air is being kept in a inflated balloon. If at some place portion of its wall weakened, contents mainly intestines comes out with its wall on using force eg on coughing, this outpouching is known as hernia. 

Hernia meaning appearance of some swelling on using force. In long standing cases swelling or outpouching is present all the time. This can be pushed inside by manipulation.

Hernia symptoms in men and women are mainly presence of swelling which is associated with dragging pain. Sometimes this swelling doesn't go inside itself then hernia operation is done in emergency to save the patient. On noticing symptoms of hernia we should not wait and should take early medical opinion for hernia repair which is definitive hernia treatment. Sometimes patients only presents with hernia pain, they did not appreciate the swelling. Hernia mesh is used during surgery to treat hernia and to strengthen muscles.

Hernia causes are - It may present since birth, it may be due to weakness of our abdomen muscles, or may be due to constant cough, obesity, due to infection of stiches of any previous surgery, constipation, smoking, family history. 

Hernia belt for men and women is not advised in healthy individuals. It may be given to people who cant tolerate operation. it may cause more harm than good in most healthy persons. it cannot be given in children. 

Hernia though is a very simple condition but it may become fatal and can be a cause of death if not treated properly on time. Life saving operation has to be performed if swelling doesn't go inside itself and on using soft pressure.

I have discussed above the following- 

हर्निया का चित्र दिखाइए

हर्निया रोग क्या है harniya kya h, 

हर्निया रोग क्या है, हर्निया क्यों होता है?

पेट की मांसपेशियों के कमजोर होने से पेट के अंदर की आंतें बाहर आने लगती हैं जिसे हम हर्निया कहते हैं। ये जन्म से हो सकता है या धीरे धीरे बनने लगता है। खांसी होने से, भारी वज़न उठाने से, सिगरेट पीने से, टांके पकने से और कमजोरी से हर्निया बन जाता है। 

हर्निया से नुकसान

हर्निया से क्या प्रॉब्लम हो सकती है?

अगर हर्निया में उतरी आंतें अपने आप अंदर नहीं जाती हैं तो हमें इमरजेंसी ऑपरेशन करना पड़ता है। ऑपरेशन न करने पर जान का खतरा रहता है। 

बिना ऑपरेशन हर्निया का इलाज - Some yoga people claim that it can be cured and controlled by soft yoga asanas and pranayama, but I have not seen any cure till now in 40 years of my carrier. 

बिना ऑपरेशन हर्निया का इलाज अभी संभव नहीं है। किसी बहकावे में न आएं। कोई गोली कैप्सूल भी इसे ठीक नहीं करता हैं। 

Dr Puneet Agrawal is hernia doctor near me and available on WhatsApp also for online consultation 9837144287.

डॉक्टर पुनीत अग्रवाल 

लैप्रोस्कोपिक सर्जन, लेज़र सर्जन, जनरल सर्जन

प्रोफेसर मेडिकल कॉलेज 

आगरा 282001 

What causes hydrocele in adults ?

What causes hydrocele in adults ? 

Hydrocele हाइड्रोसील is a very common disease among boys and men requiring hydrocele surgery, chiefly eversion of sac.  Hydrocele meaning collection of fluid around testes. Fluid collects around testes, which slowly increases with time. Hydrocele operation is best hydrocele treatment in most of patients. Some people aspirate the fluid from hydrocele but it is not advisable.

I have discussed here hydrocele in hindi, what is hydrocele. Hetrazan & banoside forte are very effective hydrocele medicine. These are basically effective drugs for filaria, which is main cause for hydrocele. 

Hydrocele symptoms are obvious when size increases, after which hydrocele pain is main symptom. Hydrocele causes, mostly it is due to Filaria and trauma and unknown causes also. Sometimes there is no cause found. Hydrocele test is by check up by doctor surgeon and followed by ultrasound scrotum. Sometimes CT scan may also be done. 

Hydrocele kya hai - testes के चारों तरफ पानी भरने को hydrocele  कहते हैं।  इसी को हाइड्रोसील में सूजन कहते हैं। 

Dr Puneet Agrawal is hydrocele doctor near me. He is expert doing hydrocele cure by operation by new methods also. 

Hydrocele medical test kya hota hai, meaning in Hindi for applying in Army- in army medical test standards for recruitment of soldiers in Indian Army, in point number 8 it is stated hernia, hydrocele, varicocele, piles should not be there. 

Hydrocele ka ilaj operation से ही संभव है। हाइड्रोसील का ऑपरेशन कैसे होता है - ये एक छोटा सा ऑपरेशन है तथा सुन्न करके, spinal अथवा बेहोश करके हो सकता है। मुझसे मेरे मरीज पूछते हैं कि hydrocele kya hota hai - गोलियों या testes के चारों तरफ पाये जानी वाली झिल्लियों में पानी भरने को hydrocele कहते हैं। 

हाइड्रोसील कैसे होता है - इसका प्रमुख कारण फ़ाइलेरिया है - अन्य कारण हैं - चोट लगना, इन्फेक्शन होने से, या कैंसर के साथ ये हो सकता है। 

In hydrocele testes is absolutely normal. Varicocele is also a different disease. Scrotum is the sac in which testes rest.

What is best treatment for hydrocele- operation is best solution for hydrocele. Aspiration of fluid is not the best option , it may cause infection, bleeding & fluid filling again. Option of surgery by laser is not advisable. 

हाइड्रोसील का परमानेंट इलाज ऑपरेशन ही है, इसके साथ फाईलेरिया बीमारी का पूरा कोर्स भी देना चाहिए। हाइड्रोसील का ऑपरेशन कितने दिनों में ठीक हो जाता है - मरीज ऑपरेशन के अगले दिन से चलना फिरना प्रारम्भ कर सकता है , एक हफ्ते बाद टांके काटने के बाद मरीज अपने काम पर जा सकता है।  मेहनत करने वाले व्यक्ति २-३ हफ्ते बाद कार्य पर जा सकते हैं। 

अंडकोष में पानी सुखाने की दवा ये हैं - diethylcarbazine, albendazole, ivermectin, doxycycline . 

हाइड्रोसील मैं क्या नहीं खाना चाहिए- चिकनाई का परहेज करें तथा प्रोटीन का अधिक सेवन करें 

Dr Puneet Agrawal

Laparoscopic, Laser Surgeon


Online consultation WhatsApp 9837144287

Can I drink alcohol after my gall bladder is removed?

 Can I drink alcohol after my gall bladder is removed ? Gallbladder has no direct role in digestion. It stores the bile which is required to...