सोमवार, 16 सितंबर 2024

Orange is high In Oxalates Should we consume it in Kidney stones

 Orange is high In Oxalates . Should we consume it in Kidney stones ? Is orange juice good for kidney stones ?
Can I eat oranges if I have kidney stones? Can you eat oranges on a low oxalate diet? 

Most common kidney stones are formed from calcium oxalate. It is advisable to avoid high oxalate diet and food items which are high in Oxalates. To know contents of oxalate in different foods Click here

Oranges are considered high in oxalate. We should avoid it but it is advised by scientists to drink one glass of orange juice daily even in kidney stones.

Orange juice is high in citrates. It is also high in potassium magnesium, folate and vitamin C.

All these substances reduce oxalate crystals formation and oxalate stone formation. Citrates present in the juice combines with calcium and prevents absorption of oxalates. Always remember lemon is best source of citrates followed by orange and grapefruit.

Orange as whole contains more oxalate than orange juice because orange fruit contain fiber surrounding the juice. Even if you are taking this juice, don't take more than one glass per day because it is very high in sugars especially fructose and high sugar consumption is not allowed in kidney stones. 

Oranges are also not allowed if your kidneys are not functioning well because It contains lot of potassium which is dangerous in kidney failure.

While one orange contains 29 mg of oxalate, one cup of orange juice contains only 2 mg of oxalate.

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